Laws of Shabbat Series
Way of Gd (R' M.C. Luzatto)
Hebrew Reading Crash Course (NJOP Level II)
Siddur Workshop
Gemara Skill Building Workshop
Pirkei Avot
Basic Jewish Living
Kosher Made Easy
Discovery Seminar
Sip of Life - Assortment of Classes
13 Principles of Jewish Faith
Judaism 101
Mesilat Yesharim
Sefer HaChinuch
Bein Adum L'Chaveiro - Interpersonal Relationships
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hirsh Weinreb Shabbaton
Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein Shabbaton
Lori Palatnik Shabbaton
Rav Reuven Leuchter Shabbaton
Rabbi Jonathan Rietti Shabbaton
Dr. Gerald Schroeder Shabbaton
Dr. Herman Presby Shabbaton
Rebbetzin Chanah Juravel Shabbaton
Dr. Lisa Aiken Shabbaton
Rabbi Avraham Eidelstein Shabbaton
Rabbi Moty Berger Shabbaton
- The Kabbalah of You; Understanding yourself and appreciating others
- Four Keys to Ultimate Jewish Growth
- An unOrthodox Look at Orthodoxy; One modern woman’s journey to tradition
- Building Bridges; A guide for the newly observant and their less-observant friends & family
- Bridging the Gap; A workshop for couples followed by Q&A
“One Mitzvah at a Time”
A discussion of the various mitzvot;
their meaning, laws, and deeper roots,
led by Rabbi Gidon Moskovitz.
Every Shabbat (Saturday) Afternoon
For Time, Please See the Weekly Schedule.
For more details, please contact the Rabbi.